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The Making of our Makerspace...

So, today, I started to bring together our (very mini) Makerspace at HES. Here's some pictures.

The Signs in the Window
The Signs in the Window

The signs I put in the windows for the parents to see as they are coming through one of the drop off areas. I'd like them to be bigger, but they are fine for now. I'm going to move the signs to same two windows so they are easier to see.


Students can choose to draw on the butcher paper on the back of the cubbies or the whiteboard.


Here students can build with Legos and toys.


The tools we have so far.


Three different areas where "cool junk" is stored!


Students can read books to help them with ideas (I need SO many more!)


There's a few different places to store works-in-progress.


My decorations and views from afar. :)

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