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I have been teaching since January 5, 2005. I began teaching in 2nd grade. The next year, I moved to 1st grade where I taught for 4 years. After moving to a new city, I began teaching Kindergarten and taught that fun and exhausting grade for 5 years. I was an RTI specialist for 1 year (which I LOVED!!). I moved back into 1st grade for one year where I worked with my first (and most amazing) student teacher. Taught AIG for about 4 months and then moved to this WONDERFUL, FABULOUS, SUPER-FUN Digital Learning Coach Job.


I know it seems like I moved grades a lot, but I think all those experiences have helped me see how to help teachers incorporate technology thoughtfully in their lessons. I'm not just a "shove-an-ipad-in-their-faces-to-keep-them-quiet" kind of teacher. I want students to be tech experts, but only so they can better their learning and experiences. I don't want them on tech because they think everything else is boring. I'm in the business of being thoughtful about how we integrate tech in the things teachers already do in their classrooms. I love to research ideas and then teach the lesson for the teacher so that they can learn along with their students. If that's what the teacher needs...


I'm married to the most patient and loving man in the world. We have 3 dogs that might as well be teenagers, the way they act. I love Jesus and I love teaching.


The end.

About me

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