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Green Screen Maiden Voyage

One student reading script while others work the Green Screen

The 5th Grade AIG class is making PSAs about water consumption in the US. One group of boys wanted to use the Green Screen to make their commercial. They made their backgrounds, which we took pictures of and uploaded into Do Ink (green screen app). Then, they attached their characters to straws that we wrapped in green floral tape. They each took turns reading the script and moving the parts, pressing record and stop. I was so impressed by their ability to work together. They wore green gloves to keep their hands from being seen (which they thought was AMAZING).

After they recorded in Do Ink, we saved their clips to the camera roll on the iPad. Then, we uploaded them to Google Drive, where one of the students moved those clips to WeVideo.

Each of the PSAs will be featured on our news show once we get it started.

Things I Would Do Differently:

*Make sure the backgrounds and the characters were DARKLY colored.

*Figure out a way to have more lighting.

*Figure out how to record all the clips in one project within Do Ink instead of creating a new project for each background.

Can't wait to try again, knowing what I know now!

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