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Not Limping to the Finish Line

This week, one of the teachers at my school sent an email linking to this blog. The title of the blog post is "How to Limp through the Last Month (And How Not to). One of the things she mentions is that you don't have to do something big and wild and life altering to make your students more engaged. Yesterday, my kindergartners were working on their lesson.

And, while the lesson was fully engaging them individually, they weren't working together or observing each other or doing anything, really, that 21st Century Learners "ought" to be doing. So, I asked them if they wanted to plug their iPads into the projector so that others could see their work and they could ask questions.

They LOVED it! They were each still working on their own iPads, but they were glancing up and saying things like: "OHHHHH, that's how you do it!" or "Hey guys, look at what J is doing!". They immediately started to interact with each other.

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