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Make It Work

For those of you who've ever watched Project Runway, you know Tim Gunn. You know that he is famous for his line: "Make it work".

You also know that when things don't go the way you thought they would, you yourself "make it work". That phrase was no more true than the day that I wanted to use the green screen to help some fourth grade girls do some recording for their project about the two opinions of segregation.

<-------Here's what I WISH our green screen set up looked like. Let's just say that google doesn't have a picture that does our set up justice. LOL!

Our green screen is a piece of fabric that hangs by a shower rod anywhere we can hang it. Anyway, back to "making it work"...

I wanted to work with the girls in my lab where it could be nice and quiet and where we could have lots of room to do what we needed to do, BUT my lab has "NO" wifi...go figure!

So, I had to make it work. The picture below gives you a "small" glimpse into how 3 students and myself made their videos.

YES, we did our videos in the CLOSET! I'm not sure that's ever been done before...GO ME!

Anyway, with a little ingenuity and hard work, here's a snapshot of what the girls were able to do when we just "made it work."

*****FINE PRINT*****

*We used DoInk (greenscreen app) to create the video segments.

*The video was edited with iMovie.

*NONE OF THESE GIRLS believe that segregation is ok.

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