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April 3, 2017

So, this is my first time trying out blogging. I don't know if I'll be good at it or not. I don't even know if I'll have important things to say, but I was encouraged to get my "work" out there, so this is one way I'm going to try.

Today's Observation: Fun and Disastrous

Today, I taught a lesson in second grade. I also had an observation happening at the same time. Talk about NERVOUS!!! Before spring break, these kiddos watched a video of my Scratch Jr. Story that I created. Using a rubric, the kids scored my story and we talked about what would make my story better.

For today's lesson, the students watched a video (flipped classroom style) and then worked on completing a Story Map. This is where the disaster comes in. :) Half the iPads didn't scan the QR code correctly, some of them weren't accessing the internet, three of them wouldn't play any sound. It was NUTS! Thankfully, we worked most of the problems out by adding a few more people to some groups and then finally showing the video on the big screen.

Some of the students were actually able to finish their Story Maps and will be ready to roll for next class. Even though things didn't go as planned, my observation went really well and my observer said that she was so proud of the way I used the flipped aspect in my lesson. *Blush*

Below you'll find two videos and the rubric.

*The final story

*The Story Map flipped video

*The rubric

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